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“In the thick of the AI revolution, I look forward to this newsletter every day to be aware of developments.”
Nick P.
“Appreciate your good work!
Hoffman H.
“Really great depth and coverage today. Especially on the breaking Jane Friedman situation. Thanks. ”
“This is precisely the info I was hoping to get in a newsletter! Great topics, easy links, and quick read. Thank you!”
“I just signed up for the Generative AI course because of this newsletter! Thanks!”
Tommie S.
“I get so many emails, but this one is one that I look forward to reading. I feel like it keeps me up to speed on the world of Al, including (but not limited to) how it may impact my profession (accounting). Also, it provides info about Al that I can talk with my kids about (they're very interested in coding; they're part of the Georgia Tech Kids Club and attend some of their camps, etc.), which is a huge benefit for me as it sparks great conversations and helps me understand what my kids want to pursue in this area of the world. I feel like Not A Bot really hits a home run on many different fronts. I don't remember exactly how I found this to sign up for it, but I'm glad I did and that I receive it! Thank you for putting the time, effort and energy into producing this news source! ”
Elizabeth A.