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🦈 Expert Q&A Series: Mark Cuban

Everyone's favorite shark talks about his thoughts on generative AI

Greetings, fellow humans. 👋

This is Not A Bot - the newsletter about AI that was definitely not written by AI. I’m Haroon, founder of AI For Anyone, and, today, I'm excited to share the first-ever installment of Not A Bot's Expert Q&A series.

Our first guest is none other than the billionaire investor-entrepreneur, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and everyone's favorite shark: Mark Cuban.

Mark is one of the most vocal public figures on AI. However, he hasn't shared a ton of thoughts on generative AI since the space took off a few months ago.

But since more than a few of you (read: a lot of you) requested Mark as a Q&A series guest, we made it happen. Boom. 💥

So without further ado, here's our exclusive Q&A with Mark Cuban.

Exclusive Q&A: Mark Cuban discusses generative AI

Haroon (Not A Bot): Hey Mark! What are your general thoughts on the generative AI craze? Is it another tech bubble or here to stay?

Mark: It's the real deal. We are just in its infancy. I couldn't be any more excited about generative models/LLMs (large language models) and what they can do. If we are at 3.5 for GPT, just imagine what GPT 10 is going to look like. It's here to stay.

Haroon: What applications of generative AI are you most excited about?

Mark: All of them. The only real limit is someone's time and imagination. That's not to say there won't be a ton of problems. There will be an ever-growing battle to find balance. In fact, to best use LLMs for the foreseeable future, humans will have to be better informed than now. The need for domain knowledge will increase in order to be able to know what output is usable.

"The need for domain knowledge will increase in order to be able to know what output [from generative AI] is usable."

Mark Cuban

Haroon: Many young people fear AI will render them useless in the job market. What is your advice to the younger generations?

Mark: I think the exact opposite is true. There is a latency to LLMs. They can't ingest data in real-time. And there will be competing LLMs. There won't just be one master LLM. So again, wisdom, domain knowledge, and experience will be critical. The approach will be to use LLMs as a source and combine it with what you know and what you are experiencing now. If you do so, you will be ahead of the models.

"The approach will be to use LLMs as a source and combine it with what you know and what you are experiencing now. If you do so, you will be ahead of the models."

Mark Cuban

Haroon: Any plans to leverage generative AI in your current endeavors (e.g., Dallas Mavericks, CostPlusDrugs, etc.)?

Mark: All of them. It's too early to implement anything beyond creative elements using generative models and some basic time saving writing elements like business loans or code. But time productivity will be defined by how well you can ask the right questions to get the appropriate answers from your models and that will help all of my businesses.

Haroon: Any other predictions about the future of generative AI that you'd like to get out into the universe?

Mark: There will be competing models that don't have access to the same info and that battle it out to be trusted and authoritative. That will be insane. And again. Latency will be an issue. The current ChatGPT ends in 2021. For the foreseeable future they will be behind real time. That will create a ton of opportunities.

And that does it. A huge thank you to Mark Cuban for sharing his thoughts with us and a big thanks to you for reading all the way through.

If you enjoyed the Q&A, let Mark and I know on Twitter (@mcuban and @haroonchoudery).

We'll be back to our regular scheduled programming tomorrow, with the latest updates from the world of AI over the past week.

As for our Q&A series, we have another exciting guest lined up for next week. Stay tuned. 👀

As always, thanks for reading, and see you next time. ✌️

- Haroon - (definitely) Not A Robot and @haroonchoudery on Twitter

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