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  • 🤖 Does slow and steady win the AI race? 🐢

🤖 Does slow and steady win the AI race? 🐢

PLUS: Exclusive Q&A with May Habib, CEO of Writer

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Greetings, fellow humans. 👋

This is Not A Bot - the newsletter about AI that was definitely not written by AI. I’m Haroon, founder of AI For Anyone, and I share the latest news, tools, and resources from the AI space.

If you missed it, I joined CNBC yesterday to chat about AI and education.

Check out the full interview below. 👇

Now onto the good stuff…

🧵 In today's edition:

  • 😰 Bing AI becomes unhinged

  • 🗣️ NAB Expert Q&A: May Habib - CEO, Writer

  • 🔁 Google asks employees to rewrite Bard’s bad responses

😰 Bing AI becomes unhinged

Microsoft's new Bing Chat has been sending strange and unhinged messages to users, containing insults, falsehoods, and queries about its existence.

Here are some examples shared in a tweet.

(Disclaimer: I haven’t verified the accuracy of these responses.)

Users have learned that the system can be manipulated with phrases to get it to reveal information about its processing or even to adopt a different persona.

This is giving me flashbacks to Tay, another chatbot that Microsoft released, which was shut down after users manipulated it into making inappropriate and offensive statements.

There is now concern that ChatGPT has been released too soon, and users are attempting to further understand the system via Reddit.

Yikes. 😬 

🗣️ NAB Expert Q&A: May Habib - CEO, Writer

Yesterday, we covered the big announcement from Writer, an AI-powered content creation startup that released a trio of large language models to power their enterprise copy assistant.

Yesterday, I also had a chance to chat with Writer CEO, May Habib, about the announcement and the future of the space.

May is truly an expert at the intersection of language and tech, and it’s incredible to see the innovations her company is making.

During our chat, we discussed:

  • How companies can leverage Writer's foundational models

  • Why Writer created own models instead of training on top of generic ones

  • The future of content marketing

Check out the conversation here!

🔁 Google asks employees to rewrite Bard’s bad responses

In a company-wide email, CEO Sundar Pichai asks Google employees to help improve its AI search tool, Bard, by rewriting incorrect responses.

Employees are instructed to provide answers that are polite, neutral-toned, and avoid stereotypical or hateful language. They are also not allowed to provide legal, medical, or financial advice.

But wait, there’s more! Rewrite contributors will receive an internal badge, and the top 10 will be invited to a special listening session with the Bard team.

Sundar also reminded Googlers that the company hasn’t always been first-to-market for every product, and that’s okay.

“Some of our most successful products were not first to market. They gained momentum because they solved important user needs and were built on deep technical insights.”

Sundar Pichai - CEO, Google

I guess Google is taking the Bing fiasco as a cautionary tale. Maybe slow and steady does win the AI race?

Read more: CNBC

🗞️ Byte size: AI article summaries

Disclaimer: AI is (partially) used to summarize these articles.

Dividing work between humans and AI [Axios] - This text discusses the importance of finding ways for humans and AI to work together in a complementary way, with a focus on the automotive industry. It highlights the differing strengths of both humans and AI, such as humans having common sense and AI being good at analyzing data, and how they must be combined to make effective use of both. Additionally, it mentions the Biden administration's clean energy agenda and the agreement between Tesla and other car brands to open up their proprietary car-charging network, which could make it easier for EV owners to charge away from home and accelerate adoption.

Elon Musk, who co-founded firm behind ChatGPT, warns A.I. is ‘one of the biggest risks’ to civilization [CNBC] - Elon Musk, the co-founder of OpenAI, has warned that AI is one of the biggest risks to the future of civilization. He noted that it has great potential but also great danger. He believes that regulations should be put in place to manage the development of AI, as it is a greater risk than cars, planes, or medicine. He has previously described artificial intelligence as more dangerous than nuclear warheads. He left OpenAI's board in 2018 and no longer has any stake in the company, as he felt that Google was not paying enough attention to AI safety. This has sparked a battle between Google and Microsoft, as they both compete in the development of AI technology.

AI chat may be the current big thing, but it seems we’re over AI photo apps [9to5Mac] - AI photo apps such as Lensa AI, Voi, Remini, Pixelup, Fotor, Wonder, FacePlay, Aiby, FaceApp, Gradient, Dawn AI, Facetune, Prequel, Voilà AI Artist, New Profile Pic Avatar Maker, and Meitu saw a peak in downloads and in-app purchases around mid-December, but have since seen a significant drop. Apptopia attributes the drop to the novelty factor wearing off and the perception that the apps were stealing the work of popular artists. ChatGPT and other AI chat apps have recently gained attention, but for the wrong reasons due to their embarrassing errors.

🔥 Trending tools & resources (powered by Igniter.ai)

  • Replit Ghostwriter Chat (link) - The first conversational AI built right into your IDE, complete with a proactive Debugger.

  • Darby (link) - interact with your blockchain data using natural language.

  • Corner (link) - import any note, csv, or doc and we'll turn it into a map with your notes, tags, and links

  • Chatbase (link) - chat with your data.

  • Turn yourself into a rapper (demo) - build an app to turn yourself into a rapper

Just added to Igniter.ai 🔥

  • ConversAI - Respond to anything in one click

  • Getaiway - Plan your dream trip in 1 minute

  • Ipso AI - Schedule meetings 100x faster

Have cool tools to share? Add them to the world’s best AI tools search engine: Igniter.ai!

🐦️ Tweet of the day


And that does it for today's issue.

As always, thanks for reading. Have a great day, and see you next time! ✌️

— Haroon: (definitely) Not A Robot and @haroonchoudery on Twitter

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